Chapter 5: Testing repeats Question 4 of 7

1 Instruction
3      Instruction
4      WHILE NOT Test 111 DO
5           Instruction
6      END WHILE
7      Instruction
8      Instruction
9 UNTIL Test 222
10 Instruction
11 End of the program

In the program shown opposite, the line marked with an arrow will be executed.

After execution, which line will the program jump to?

Note: test "NOT Test 111" will give a FALSE result.

Click on the button corresponding to the line the program will jump to after execution of the line marked with an arrow. Then click on "Check my answer".

Since the WHILE test gives a FALSE result, the DO instructions will not be executed.

The program will therefore jump to the line following the END WHILE corresponding, in this case, to line 7.

Next question

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