
A retired teacher, I hold a bachelor’s degree in biology and a graduate degree in education from the University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, along with a graduate degree in technology in education and training from the Universities of Namur and Liège, Belgium. Together with Philippe Dardenne†, I co-authored Let’s Pose a Question, Propose a Solution, and Verify it Experimentally (Posons une question... Proposons une réponse... Vérifions-la expérimentalement), Editions Wesmael-Charlier, Namur, 1979.

For 33 years, I taught science and new technologies at the high school level. For 25 of these years, I taught computer programming using the CAR (Computers Are Robots) environment I developed for my students.

It is a pleasure to share my experience with you through this introductory module to JavaScript, which goes far beyond the fundamentals of basic syntax. Here, students also learn to master the basics of algorithms and the concept of variables in all their variety.

I hope you enjoy exploring this site and that it will be of benefit to you. Wishing you great success in your studies!

Rupert Meurice de Dormale.

Rupert Meurice de Dormale

Rupert Meurice de Dormale
